Board Statistics
Totals Averages
Posts: 396
Threads: 169
Members: 111
Posts per day: 0.44
Threads per day: 0.19
Members per day: 0.12
Posts per member: 3.57
Threads per member: 1.52
Replies per thread: 1.34
Newest Member: respond123
Members who have posted: 23.42%
Today's top poster: Nobody (0 posts)
Most popular forum: General Firearms discussions (35 posts, 16 threads)
Top referrer: Bako (5 referrals)

Most Popular…
Most Replied To Threads Most Viewed Threads
Springfield Prodigy 2011 (10 replies)
Arizona new member (7 replies)
Cosmetic changes (6 replies)
What's your ride? (6 replies)
What's your concealed carry gun? (6 replies)
Your Form 4 wait time (5 replies)
Handgun Christmas list (4 replies)
Appeals court blocks bump stock ban (4,841 views)
Springfield Prodigy 2011 (1,877 views)
Arizona new member (1,624 views)
June gun sales top 1.1 million background checks for the 47th month in a row! (1,387 views)
Cosmetic changes (1,221 views)
What's your ride? (1,215 views)
Your Form 4 wait time (1,046 views)
What's your concealed carry gun? (1,024 views)
Field Trauma Kits (962 views)
Handgun Christmas list (917 views)
Gun Youtube channels (905 views)
SLC Gun Buyback (870 views)
Crossroads of the West Gun Show St. George Sat, Dec 17, 9 AM – Sun, Dec 18, 5 PM (865 views)
Rocky Mountain Gun Show - Nov 12-13 @ Mountain America Expo Center (789 views)
Public/BLM Land Shooting - Best Practices (766 views)

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